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Who are we?

Hiventive was born from the desire to bring agility and flexibility to the electronics industry. We support manufacturers in their evolution towards a 4.0 factory. To do this, Hiventive has been able to develop numerous tools for industry professionals, in particular Hiventive Pricing and Hiventive CAPE, which respectively allow all the elements of an order to be quantified in a few moments and to optimize production as much as possible.

Le CES 2022

It is within the Naqui team that Hiventive was able to taste the CES 2022 experience. The Hiventive team came out of this event grown both in terms of relationships and long-term vision for the future of our also and above all for the future of French industry. The french pavilion was undoubtedly the largest with 140 Business France startups. Faithful to our region and our convictions, we have best represented our country and its know-how. CES 2022 was a rich experience in development, but Hiventive does not intend to stop there. We sincerely spent unforgettable moments and we will keep very good memories of this adventure.

CIR and CII approval

This is great recognition of our skills in carrying out R&D and innovation work. But above all, it is the possibility for our customers to recover up to 30% of the amount of our invoices (issued since 2021) in import credit! For this, it is of course necessary that these invoices relate to a service eligible for the CIR or the CII.

Your invoices are eligible for the CIR if they correspond to two R&D works. To put it simply, these are works to solve a technical problem that no solution (or no knowledge) of the moment in your field could solve. In this case, you recover 30% of the amount of our invoices in research tax credit.

Your invoices are eligible for the CII if they correspond to design, prototyping or mock-up work on an innovative product (or software). That is to say a product bringing an element of novelty compared to the competition, in technical terms, functionality or ergonomics. In this case, you recover 20% of the amount of our invoices as an innovation tax credit.
Team's members

Our team

Guillaume Delbergue

Guillaume Delbergue

Co-Founder and CEO / CTO

François Hersent

François Hersent

Web Frontend Developer